KAWTUMA targets education of Mbororo children

The KawtalTukank”oenMangal(KAWTUMA) Cameroon, an Association grouping sons and daughters of the Tukak”oen sub clan of the Fulani community has continued to pay much attention to the education of  Mbororo children since it was created in 2009. Members of this Association converged on Bafmeng in Fungom Subdivision of Menchum division on Saturday 6th December 2014 for their sixth General Assembly. KAWTUMA”s National President Barrister YayaAmadou used the forum to present the objectives of the association to include among others, the promotion of secular and religious education of the Tukak”oen in a bid to facilitate their emergence, provision of scholarship to meritorious school going children and encouraging parents to assist both boys and girls as well as working to supress all forms of social ills plaguing especially the Cameroonian youth over the years. The Association also targets education of Mbororo graziers towards embracing modern methods of agro-pastoral farming and conflict management skills. Presenting the stakes surrounding the education of the Mbororo child, Barrister Yaya said their enrolment in school today has witnessed a significant increase as compared to the past, attributing it to sensitisation carried out so far.

Hon. NdongLarryhills, Member of Parliament for the Menchum North Constituency who saluted the giant strides so far made by KAWTUMA in the area of promoting education, said as a promoter of development, he was happy to see that that the Mbororos are coming out of their shells to embrace education. He therefore promised to pay the PTA levies of all Mbororo school going children in his constituency as long as he remains MP. A similar gesture was made by the Principal of St Gabriel College Bafmen who promised that five Mbororo children will study in the school on a scholarship of 20.000FCFA each for next academic year.
The Secretary General of KAWTUMA,Hammadou Bello Bouba who presented an educative talk on Biodiversity and Climateand how it affects the Tukankejo as a family, called on Mbororo graziers to guard against bush burning because it destroys the environment and precipitates a change in climate with adverse effects. He urged them to adopt modern ways of grazing by planting improved pasture for their cattle. The General Assembly also featured the election of the Menchum bureau of KAWTUMA, discussions on youth employment and the fight against all forms of social ills among the family of the Tokank”oen and a debated on whether grazing is a business or tradition? A fundraising to support the scholarship project of the Association towards fostering education of Mbororo youth crowned the general assembly that was attended by over 3000 members and some 8 ardos . KAWTUMA for now is existing in four of the seven divisions of the North West Region including Boyo, Mezam, Menchum and Donga Mantung, with Barrister YayaAmadou saying there are plans to extend the roots of the Association to all parts of Cameroon.


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