NADECO at Crossroads

The Njinikom Area Development Cooperation (NADECO) since taking over the baton of development in Njinikom from the Njinikom Area Development Association(NADA) in 2007 has made great strides in realising development projects in the municipality. For seven years, NADECO in seven congresses and six delegate”s meetings has raised over 24MFCFA that have been used for a number of projects in the domains of education, road maintenance, trainings equipment to schools, support to community hall projects and water.
Mr. Benedict Fultang, NADECO”s president and his team has remain committed to the development of Njinikom through the annual congresses that bring together Njinikom sons and daughters who raise funds for various projects. The 7th annual congress of NADECO holding this 20th of December 2014 at Bobong is coming against the backdrop of a number of achievements registered by the organisation since 2007.
In the area of education NADECO in 2011 rehabilitated the “GamtiWoinda” Women Centre for the vocational training of girls who drop out from school in life skills and various self-employment ventures at an annual cost of about 1.2MFCFA. In its third year running, the centre has 19 boys, 6girls and 6 Instructors. NADECO did also support the science laboratory of GHS Njinikom with 1MFCFA to buy equipment. The Organisation also supported the roofing of two classrooms at GSS Yang to the tune of 886.000FCFA.
Road maintenance has also been a priority to NADECO with well over 10MFCFA spent for building a drainage system using community labour as well as the grading and lateriting of the Njinikom roundabout-Catholic Hospital road with assistance from partners. Also 1MFCFA was dished out by NADECO for the completion of the Muloin Area Development Union Cultural Centre.
NADECO has also participated in the funding of small projects and activities like the training to empower women of the Njinikom Women’s Forum, sensitisation and education of widows, installation of administrative authorities with amounts ranging from 500.000FCFA to 1MFCFA.
The Bobong Congress on the 20th of December 2014 is the fourth since NADECO started rotating the congresses in villages in the Njinikom Municipality in 2011. The Yaounde branch so far has been the highest contributor raising 6,451,675FCFA while the most prominent elite who has contributed to NADECO isNjong Eric of BUNS contributing 1,550,000FCFA.


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