Boyo Division gets 715MFCFA for Public Investment Budget in 2015 Fundong Subdivision carries Lion share

The 2015 budget of Cameroon that was recently voted and adopted by parliamentarians at the National Assembly stands at 3,746.6BFCFA. This budget has been distributed to the various regions, divisions, and subdivisions of the country to finance development projects in the domains of health, education, infrastructure, agriculture, livestock, and energy and much more with the intention to better the lives of Cameroonians.
Boyo division has been allocated a 715MFCFA budget for 49 investment projects in 2015 to be carried out in the four subdivisions of Bum, Belo, Fundong and Njinikom. The budget for Boyo this 2015 fiscal year is said to have witnessed an increase, though the division remains last when it comes to budget allocation in the North West Region. Most of this budget will be used in road infrastructure, education and health which remain the priority of the Boyo population.
Fundong Subdivision among the four in Boyo emerges with a greater share of the budget and projects to be executed in the forthcoming financial year. Road projects alone receives over 245MFCFA, classroom construction, renovation, equipping takes 136.4MFCFA, while 16MFCFA have been set aside for equipping of two health centres in Fundong and Aduk while the rest is for equipment to some Divisional delegations.

Mayor Ndang Denis credited for good lobbying skills
The wind of change that swept across the Fundong Municipality during the September 30th, 2013 municipal elections is gradually paying off with some positive results. Many Abassakom people who never identified themselves with the Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement,CPDM,  party  dared voted for the CPDM not because of love for the party but as a result of the fact that they saw the potentials in the man who was being projected in the council list.
Denis AwohNdang won the hearts and mind of the Fundong population upon presenting a five year development plan for the municipality with roads being his top priority. Those who saw his vision wanted change at all cost because to them, the municipality had lagged behind in terms of development for years.
The results of the elections projected the CPDM party with list leader Denis AwohNdangelected Mayor on the 16th of October 2013. True to his intentions and electoral promises, he made before being elected Mayor, the development oriented son of Abassakom immediately went to work and the results are quite glaring for anyone to see. In a quest to better the lives of Fundong people, Denis AwohNdang besides being Mayor is also using his position as Regional delegate of Public Works for the North West to knock at doors in Yaoundé to lobby for finances to execute projects.
The increase in the budget for Fundong Subdivision this year tells of the fact that the lobbying met with some positive response from government. The Muttef-Ajung road that was bulldozed in 2014 received 150MFCFA for maintenance, the Fujua-Laikom road got 68.7M, while maintenance of rural roads in the municipality got 27.7MFCFA.
More so, Mayor Ndang is credited to be the first municipal authority in Fundong to visit all schools in the council area. This educational tour in October 2014 enabled him to appraise the challenges the pupils, students and teachers are facing and these problems especially those of infrastructure and equipment were tabled to the authorities in Yaoundéand the response was impressive with the allocation of classrooms for construction and equipment.
Having inherited a council with a debt of 53MFCFA, four months salaries owed workers amounting to 20MFCFA and an overdraft of 12MFCFA, the Ndang Denis led administration has not relented efforts in ensuring that the plan put in place at the beginning of the five years mandate is achieved at the end.
“I don’t want to take all the credit alone because the government technical services and the other stakeholders of the council assisted us to make these lobbying process comes to fruition” intimated Ndang

The projects per subdivision division are as follows:
Belo Subdivision
Maintenance of rural roads-27.7M
Equipping of EE Workshop, GTHS Njinikejem-30M
Construction of two classrooms, GTC Sho-22M
Construction of two classrooms, GTC Afua-22M
Equipping of Workshop, GTHS Njinikejem-3M
Equipping of classroom with benches, GTHS Njinikejem-1.8M
Equipping of two classrooms with benches, GTC Sho-1.8M
Equipment to delivery unit, Anyajua health centre-8M
Belo council Aid assistance equipment to vulnerable population- 1.5M
Belo council craftmen, assistance to computerisation and registration-1M

Bum Subdivison
Maintenance of rural roads-27.7M
Construction of two classrooms GSS Saff-23M
Equipment to maternity block, Fonfukamedicalised health centre-10M
Furnishing of maternity services, Konene health centre-8M
Fonfuka council craftmen, support to computerisation and registration-1M

Fundong Subdivision
Maintenance of Muttef-Ajung road-150M
Rehabilitation of Fujua-Laikom road-68.6M
Maintenance of rural roads-27.7M
Construction of two classrooms, GTTC Fundong-22M
Construction of two classrooms, GSSFujua- Laikom-22M
Construction of a block of two classrooms, GS Ameng-21M
Construction of a block of two classrooms, GS Asuh-21M
Construction of a block of two classrooms, GS Nkom Nkom-21M
Construction of toilet block, GS Fujua-3.5M
Construction of toilet block, GS Achangne-3.5M
Renovation of two classrooms, SAR/SM Fundong-4.9M
Renovation of classrooms, GS Achangne-3.5M
Renovation of classrooms, GS Nwakwaja-3.5M
Equipping of classrooms with benches, GS Asuh-1.8M
Equipping of classrooms with benches, GS Ameng-1.8M
Equipment for office accommodation and teachers, two chairs and two tables, GS Asuh-250.000F
Equipment for office accommodation and teachers, two chairs and two tables, GS Ameng-250.000F
Equipping of workshop with didactic material kits MACO, GTC Akeh-3M
Equipping of two classrooms with benches, GSS Fujua-Laikom-1.8M
Equipping of two classrooms with benches, GTTC Fundong-1.8M
Furnishing of delivery unit, Fundong Urban Health Centre-8M
Furnishing of Delivery unit, Aduk health centre-8M
Fundong council support to Green City operation-10M
Fundong Council craftmen, support to computerisation and registration-1M
Rehabilitation of DO”s office residence Fundong-6M
Office equipment to Divisional delegation MINEPAT-10M
Office equipment to Divisional Delegation MINPMESSA-4.7M
Office equipment Divisional delegation Basic Education-1M
Support to local PIB follow-up committee-6M
Acquisition of tittle land, MINEE Boyo-1.5M
Monitoring financial performance of physical Investment projects for Basic Education-1.5M

Njinikom Subdivision
Inter road rehabilitation-P24 (Njinikom-Catholic General Hospital-DO”s Office-P24 (2.4km) and Inter-P24 Wombong –Upstation(2.0km) -45M
Maintenance of rural roads-27.7M
Construction of MACO workshop, GTC Mbueni-25M
Furnishing of delivery unit, Njinikom Integrated health centre-8M
Njinikom council craftmen, support to computerisation and registration-1M


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