The deputy chief of missions (DCM) at the American embassy in Cameroon has described the Bokoharam insurgency in Cameroon as a dark cloud that will soon be frustrated by the Cameroonian youths and civil society organizations through youth awareness and continual education. He made the statement in Bamenda Friday September 11 at MINEPAT hall up station bamenda during the opening ceremony of a two day national workshop on peace and security organised by the Hope For the Needy Association (HOFNA Cameroon) that brought together youth leaders from across the country.
Opening the two day workshop, the Governor of the northwest region, LELE L’AFRIQUE reminded the youth leaders that the fight against Bokoharam in Cameroon is a collective venture of Cameroon government, civil society organisations like HOFNA Cameroon, and welcomed the support and participation of the US Embassy.”I appreciate greatly the shared vision of peace and economic security between the two nations and the inclusion of the youths in this fight, they are the pivotal in peace and national security as they are exposed to the social media where the cultivation of unfounded rumours to stir radicalisation are spread” adding that to ensure peace and security in the region youths should denounce all suspects and share information with security experts. For the first time ever, protocol was by passed by the North West governor to be grilled by the national youth at the workshop.

On her part, the Director of HOFNA Cameroon Christelle Bay Chongwain in her opening address while appreciating the US Embassy for funding the programme and effectively participating in the event situated the workshop as a pearl in reinstating and instilling the most valued peace needed for the growth of the country.”The said unfortunate insecurity often perpetuated by n usually unidentified individual’s calls for unity, determination, patriotism and collective efforts. Multicultural dialogue represents and ideal approach and response as it calls for all to continue in engaging in meaningful exchanges in the face of differences in religion, political, social and gender related” she equally invited all to rise and observe a minute of silence for all the souls lost so far in the fight against Bokoharam.
Justifying the theme of the national workshop, “enhancing multicultural dialogue for peace and security in Cameroon”, HOFNA director, Christelle Bay Chongwain said HOFNA believes the peace and security in the country is the main ingredient for economic growth stability and social change and that despite social, biological and religious differences, engaging in meaning exchanges, Cameroon will become a better place void of insecurity.
Quizzed on why the interest of the United States in empowering civil society organisations like HOFNA Cameroon in combating terrorism, the DCM at the US Embassy said its out of experience.”After the September 9/11, Fotokol, Maroua and Kerawa, it’s Cameroons September 9/11 moment. We are together in the fight to counter violence, terrorism and extremism n this country. Bokoharam is just a dark cloud and we will make it to go away. Cameroon is filled with bright light and the civil society is the light, they will bring out the sun again and the United States wants to partner with patriotic civil society organisations like HOFNA in this fight” he intimated.
Oumarou Bouba like Rabiatu Ahmadu, a participant at the workshop from the far north region at the close of the  workshop says he is taking back home a lot “I have learned not to propagate information without investigation, the need for young people to canalise their potentials, work hard to be positive activist. We have great potentials that can change Cameroon and that our cultural ad religious diversity should instead be separated and not a source of disunity”. On the situation on the ground in the Far North region, they said they are in a metaphorical prison as they are living on permanent alertness” you don’t know when they will attack, who is involved, what tool they will use and where they will attack. we are scared to go to the market and to socialise. all activities are completely grounded at 8pm”
At the close of the two day national workshop on peace and security in Bamenda, the 200 participants came up with strong resolutions that will be forwarded to the government. A peace tour will take place in the University of Maroua soon organised still by HOFNA Cmeroon. It will include a seminar with 300 youths in Maroua, featuring thee projection of an animated film to portray the importance of peace, solidarity and security for individual and national growth, a panel discussion on the role f the youth in promoting peace and security, religious tolerance, intercultural dialogue and a solidarity march along the streets of Maroua in support of the joint forces and the Cameroon Army.
Organised with the theme” enhancing multicultural dialogue for peace and security in Cameroon”  the two day work shop in Bamenda brought together 200 youth leaders from across the Cameroon to be schooled on the necessity of fast tracking peace, be peace ambassadors back in their respective regions and civil society organisations in the Ten regions of Cameroon. The Bamenda peace outing addressed issues like inter religious and intercultural Dialogue for peace and security in Cameroon, women as main actors in enhancing socio economic development and security, the role of Cameroon government and international bodies in countering violent extremism, responsible behaviour and measures to enhance peace  and security in Cameroon, responsible  youth participation, youth buoyancy and  development in a multicultural setting and the role of the youth in countering violence and extremism.


  1. As the Governor rightly puts it in his speech youths "are exposed to the social media where the cultivation of unfounded rumors to stir radicalization are spread”. One of the lies that would certainly spread radicalization is fond right in the perception of violence and terrorism by HOFNA: an attempt to link the activities of Boko Haram and similar groups to "cultural differences". May I ask whose culture on this earth is depicted by the activities of Boko Haram?
    Clearly the main cultural difference that is a potential threat to peace and that needs to be addressed urgently, is the perception by some that Boko Haram is a child born of cultural differences. What culture is Boko Haram and what differing cultures is it antagonistic to? Can we analyze the victims of Boko Haram into cultural groups to better answer this question?
    I think all efforts by whoever to eradicate Boko haram and all forms of violence should be welcome and supported but this should be carefully coordinated by the administration to avoid dangerous and potentially divisive orientations such as attempts to attribute the heinous crimes of boko haram to cultural differences which ridicules the joint efforts of all patriotic citizens in fighting the menace.


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