Boyo SDO opts for cancelation 0f Abandoned projects in Njinikom

The Senior Divisional for Boyo Oum II Joseph has expressed disappointment with the so many development projects that have been abandoned by contractors in the Njinikom Municipality and has therefore instructed Mayor TerenceChah Bam of the Njinikom council to immediately engage the procedure to cancel the projects as the law stipulates.
Oum II joseph who was reacting to worries raised by Mayor Terence Chah Bam during the 2015 budgetary session of the Njinikom council on abandoned projects that were helping to pull the developmentof his municipality backward, questioned why only Njinikom in Boyo has a lot of problems with the execution of projects especially those financed by government. Four public investment projects including the construction of the Njinikom town hall to host the council services, two classrooms each at GTC Mbueni and GSS Yang, and the grading of the Kikfuini –Mbueni road are said to have been abandoned by the contractors to whom the tasks were assigned. This did not sound appealing to the boss of the division who said hence, projects should be awarded to contractors who are financially viable and have the necessary human and material resources to execute them. The Njinikom council complex project financed by the Council Support Fund for Mutual Assistance, FEICOM, to the tune of 163,804,466FCFA since 2012 to be realised in six months has dragged on for three years now.
 Mayor Chah Bam said” there is no sign of us making the final reception of this building even in 2015. And too, when it’s complete some people feel that the location is too far from town and council services will no longer serve a larger part of the population. A certain school of thought is insinuating that the building when completed should be used as an income generating project-municipal hotel. That another place should be looked for and funds applied for from FEICOM to construct a befitting, convenient town hall”. In the face of these challenges, Boyo SDO while promising hard times to such contractors insisted that such abandoned projects be cancelled using the procedures in force. He also called on the elites and entire Njinikom population to united and pay more attention to the development of their municipality.
The 2015 budget of the Njinikom council voted and adopted by councillors during the session stood at 307,344,359FCFA targeting projects like the construction of 21 market sheds at the motor park, construction of the Baingeh market jointly sponsored by the Council and PNDP, provision of water to communities among others. The budget is said to have casted doubts as some people said it was not realistic given that the municipality is not economically viable. But Mayor Chah Bam was optimistic and is quoted as saying” So many things have been taken into consideration before affecting this increase. Revenue sources like building permits, njangali tax, advertisement taxes and others that have always been neglected in Njinikom will be exploited”.


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