
Showing posts from 2014


Atuilah quarter in Njinikom sub division noted for its boisterous nature, high concentration of elite, its vocal and out spoken people in the recent past have seen its development stagnating,fluctuating and prostituting from one Executive to the other with little to write home about. Every end of year, sons and daughters of Atuilah Quarter under the umbrella of Atuilah Development Association (ADA) returns home to raise funds for developmental projects in the Quarter. For decades now, mismanagement of funds, outright embezzlement and the bossy nature of some of it’s over zealous elected officials greatly down played on the development of the quarter with the existence of no quarter hall, library, extension of electricity, water supply and   a scholarship scheme to encourage the young are factors still starring   ADA to the face. Year in and out, funds are raised with the prime aim of supplying water to most homes,but such efforts have been plaguedwith bad fate for over ...


late:BOBE YONG FRANCIS Thirtieth Dec 2014 will mark exactly one year after the passing on to eternity of the man the kom people home and abroad and the entire North West region described as the president of the NWR of Cameroon. His glorious exit on Dec 30 2013 was described as the fall of a towering colossus, the fall of the baobab and as irreplaceablefor several epochs. One year after his death, thekomfondom,Bamenda and the entire NWR still miss Pa in several aspects: In sports, supporters of Yong sports Academy (YOSA) in the last football season in Cameroon rhetoricallyquestioned the departure of Pa Yong,especially as the professional prowess of YOSA was put to test. The lone municipal stadium still makes the scare of Pa Yong’s departure fresh. Over grown weeds, erodedpitch, rusted and collapsed security wires and the miss management of tons of reserved sand meant for the refilling of the pitch have continually made spectators and fans of YOSA to miss the dynamic Pa Yong ...


An invisible wave of political maturity appears to be sweeping through Boyo Division, one time Oasis of the Social Democratic Front, SDF in the North West Region. This was seen in the last September 2013 municipal and legislative elections and even the pioneer senatorial elections. Like a defeated entity, the S.D.F lost its biggest hub, the Fundongcouncil to the Cameroon Peoples democratic Movement, C.P.D.M.adding to Bum sub division that had long backed out from what critics say is parasitic militancy in the S.D.F.Njinikom was saved from the last wave of change as they decided to give a chance to the fresh breed mayor Chah Bam Terence though still from the S.D.F after the near 25years of S.D.F militancyin the area has not paid off. FUNDONG: It is one of the biggest subdivisions in Boyo and the chief town of Boyo Division .The last municipal and legislative elections saw even the S.D.F chairman Ni john FruNdi making frantic efforts and visits to fundong to save the party to no a...