
Showing posts from March, 2015


page 5 of the latest BOYOEYE NEWSPAPPER reports that Work was brought to a halt at the Njinikom General Hospital Thursday March 12   as a medical doctor of the institution by name Dr Lazarus, an orthopaedic specialist was keep on a temporal house arrest in the morning hours of March 12 as an earlier attempt to use the main door of his residence was met with   a chunk of diabolic concoctions composed of red feathers, cam wood, chicken parts and a piece of shroud, an indication of an assassination attempt .Sensing danger, the medical doctor contacted the matron of the hospital via intercom informing her of the situation. Given that the said doctor carries out operations every Thursday, his temporal inability to leave the house that morning was a threat to the hospital and the theatre as patients were programmed that morning for operations. The matron, Rev Sister Marie Olive Ngah, flanked by security officials stormed the doctor’s residents to see things for herself. The mat...

SDF Caretaker Committee is succeeding in its mission-Barrister Ajuoh.

The Social Democratic Front, SDF, in the Fundong Electoral District is today being managed by a caretaker committee of seven members that was put in place on March 7, 2014. The decision to put in place a caretaker committee headed by Barrister HonoreAjuohNgam to complete the mandate of the district executive at the time, was provoked by the defeat of the party in the 2013 council elections. Wrangling between officials within the party, coupled with blackmail, backbiting and even witch hunting made the SDF in Fundong to pay dearly as the election results went in favour of the ruling CPDM party. Added to this was the non investiture of Hon. James Ntam as parliamentary candidate who was sacrificed for Hon. NjongNjongEvaristus.   Party militants went wild and even chased away chairman Ni John FruNdi when he came to explain why it was Hon. Njong and not Ntam that was invested as parliamentary candidate. In the face of all these crisis, some party militants promised they wer...

CPDM at 30: path way covered in Boyo, future prospects.

The Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement, CPDM, Party clocks 30 years this March 24, 2015 since the party was founded in Bamenda on March 24, 1985 born out of the Cameroon National Congress, CNU.   The party which has been at the driving seat of political life in Cameroon for the last three decades now, was put in place at a time there existed just a one party system in the country.   The path covered by the CPDM in Boyo division can be traced back to the days when what is today known as Boyo existed as Fundong subdivision under Menchum division. The creation of the party in 1985 came at the time Boyo, by then Fundong subdivision had as representative in parliament Hon. Fuguo James from Fonfuka Bum subdivision. He was in parliament up till 1988. The spirit of the CPDM in Boyo ignited with the election of late Francis Ngam Chia from Fundong subdivision as section president in Menchum after he defeated J C Kangkolo. Though the CPDM was the only party at the time,...

Fight against Boko Haram: Boyo mobilises to show solidarity to soldiers, displaced population.

The fight against the Nigerian terrorist sect Boko Haram has lately become an affair of all Cameroonians who have been mobilising at various levels to show solidarity to the soldiers in the war front and thousands of displaced persons who are suffering the effect of the war. The population of Boyo division who also feel concern about the threats to the country’s peace and security and the difficult situation faced by inhabitants of the Far North region most of whom have fled their homes for safety, are currently contributing money and food items that will be transmitted to the soldiers and aggrieved population. The initiative being that of Fundong council Mayor, Denis AwohNdang with blessings from Boyo SDO was launched on March 8, 2015 during the commemoration of the 30 th International day of the woman with the sum of over FCFA 250.000 raised on the spot.   Initially the action was intended only for the population of Fundong municipality but Mayor Denis AwohNdang who lat...

Eight students diagnosed with HIV IN FUNDONG

Students of a Government Secondary School in Fundong subdivision whose name we are withholding have been warned against risky sexual behaviours which expose them to HIV infection. The message of caution was addressed to the school community by health officials in Fundong who recently carried out free HIV screening in the institution to ascertain the status of the students. The results of the screening showed that eight students in the college were HIV carriers.   The infected students as we learned were counselled thereby encouraging them to take it as any other disease, but with instructions to enrol in the Fundong treatment centre so that they can be receiving anti-retroviral drugs. This new wave of happenings especially within the school milieu comes at a time students have taken sex as part and parcel of them, yet care less about the consequences because they do it without any protection, hence running the risk of contracting sexually transmissible infections or even...